Thursday, February 13, 2020

LGBTQ, Gender Fluidity, Radical Feminism & Pedophilia

Your soul is You. You are not your body and you certainly are not your mind. But your body reflects your soul. Your mind reflects your society.

Gender has come to mean the social construct the sexes; the structuralist formalism of inherited male-female roleplay. Gender fluidity is a postmodern ideology that grew out of radical feminism which said "Women can do anything men can do. Dominance is not synonymous with male. Males should accept the roles they've given females." The problem with this notion is that most of the female "gender" wasn't determined by males alone. Females defined themselves in relation to the male gender. Patriarchy hasn't always existed everywhere nor has it suppressed women to the degree that radical feminists believe. Yes, in this country's government, women had less power to work or hold office. Meanwhile, women were ruling Britain.

Gender fluidity says that the social constructs of male and female should not apply to the sexes. Okay. But when people get tired of sex changes and black men in skirts and white women with little boy hairdo's, the sexes will choose the same gender roles rad-fems claim were invented falsely. Bitch, bras and dresses evolved out of biological necessity, not to oppress women.

You don't need radical feminism. Normal feminism gets the job done. Men and women deserve equal rights and fair treatment. But the sexes are different. The genders correspond to the needs of the sexes.

And transgenderism is a symptom of gender confusion, not a solution. I believe this gender confusion comes from a toxic mix of childhood traumas: capitalist alienation, inappropriate parental love and dysfunctional power roles, misplaced sexual objectification and plain ol' envy. Homosexuality (I don't believe in "homosexuals" or "heterosexuals") is a disorder where a child represses heterosexuality. Couple reasons why: Romantic rejection by the opposite sex; Buried guilt/hatred from incestual feelings for the parent of the opposite sex; Pity/disgust for the parent of the same sex. There's a long list why a child may reject their own sex and fantasize about having the other sex's genitalia. And once that happens and sexuality develops, there's no reversing it. They are already traumatized, scarred and malformed psychologically. But they are still valid functioning people who can become well-adjusted if we are tolerant of gays. But tolerance can drift into sycophancy or pity or scapegoating or infantilizing or glorifying.

I think transgenderism and homosexuality are disorders that should be cured but we have no way of doing that under the hyperreality of Late Stage Capitalism, so its pointless to be bothered by these people promoting their lifestyles to your children. Raise your child properly and no one can turn them gay or transgender. But that does NOT mean turn your child homophobic or transphobic!

This brings me to my most woke and least politically correct point:


That doesn't always mean rape or molestation, but it often does. Things have improved so they just spread gay culture to kids. That shit is working too. Gays deserve some pity. They are people who want the impossible - to make a baby with the same sex. They suffer from a childhood delusion formed before they understood how sex and the sexes work. Most gay people know this and many admit that they know its a mental abberation not based on any kind of biological logic. Its a source of great pain, thus inventing " GAY PRIDE". Which is why we should celebrate gay adult partnerships. That way, they will not create another gay person by seducing or abusing a child.

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