Thursday, February 13, 2020

I think Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith might finally come out of the closet in the 2020s. Their son is totally on the whole gender fluid, bisexual-for-attention thing. They raised him to be that. Jada Pinkett pretty much only hangs with closet lesbians like Queen Latifah (who I met once... amazing lady) & MC Lyte. MC Lyte sometimes does this weird romantic posts dedicated to Jada. Jada is like the chick all the black famous celebrities worship and lust after. And I've heard rumors of Will being gay since I was small but never really paid it any mind. But I watched his interview with The Breakfast Club where he goes on a long, rambling, vague rant about "I played someone I wasn't to get this fame. I was in denial. Now I'm ready to show the world the real me. Never be afraid of what you are" Thats nice and beautiful actually.

 But get it over with already because the idea of famous people living a lie is depressing and also a bad message to gays. Also, they are an unrealistic model for black couples and families. They are an arranged business deal between two gay performers who had to play straight to become rich and powerful. I'm not really sympathetic to that motive. You could've been open and in loving relationships and being honest but you thought being famous was more important? Egomaniacs.
I first heard the term "woke" in black female comment sections whenever the racism of the Military-Industrial Prison Complex was mentioned. Or the Gay Boule were mentioned or Illuminati popstars or health foods to open your 3rd eye. This sort of moved into the New Age community and I guess the gay and conspiracy communities. But it will always be a black ghetto term for the racism of white people against black people. Somehow its come to mean "white men are bad". Fucking white twitter college kids.
Strange conservative mom: I don't want my son to be gay. I better make him attracted to me!

Strange liberal mom: I will try to turn my son gay to prove I will love him either way. Plus, Lady Gaga says you're born that way!

LGBTQ, Gender Fluidity, Radical Feminism & Pedophilia

Your soul is You. You are not your body and you certainly are not your mind. But your body reflects your soul. Your mind reflects your society.

Gender has come to mean the social construct the sexes; the structuralist formalism of inherited male-female roleplay. Gender fluidity is a postmodern ideology that grew out of radical feminism which said "Women can do anything men can do. Dominance is not synonymous with male. Males should accept the roles they've given females." The problem with this notion is that most of the female "gender" wasn't determined by males alone. Females defined themselves in relation to the male gender. Patriarchy hasn't always existed everywhere nor has it suppressed women to the degree that radical feminists believe. Yes, in this country's government, women had less power to work or hold office. Meanwhile, women were ruling Britain.

Gender fluidity says that the social constructs of male and female should not apply to the sexes. Okay. But when people get tired of sex changes and black men in skirts and white women with little boy hairdo's, the sexes will choose the same gender roles rad-fems claim were invented falsely. Bitch, bras and dresses evolved out of biological necessity, not to oppress women.

You don't need radical feminism. Normal feminism gets the job done. Men and women deserve equal rights and fair treatment. But the sexes are different. The genders correspond to the needs of the sexes.

And transgenderism is a symptom of gender confusion, not a solution. I believe this gender confusion comes from a toxic mix of childhood traumas: capitalist alienation, inappropriate parental love and dysfunctional power roles, misplaced sexual objectification and plain ol' envy. Homosexuality (I don't believe in "homosexuals" or "heterosexuals") is a disorder where a child represses heterosexuality. Couple reasons why: Romantic rejection by the opposite sex; Buried guilt/hatred from incestual feelings for the parent of the opposite sex; Pity/disgust for the parent of the same sex. There's a long list why a child may reject their own sex and fantasize about having the other sex's genitalia. And once that happens and sexuality develops, there's no reversing it. They are already traumatized, scarred and malformed psychologically. But they are still valid functioning people who can become well-adjusted if we are tolerant of gays. But tolerance can drift into sycophancy or pity or scapegoating or infantilizing or glorifying.

I think transgenderism and homosexuality are disorders that should be cured but we have no way of doing that under the hyperreality of Late Stage Capitalism, so its pointless to be bothered by these people promoting their lifestyles to your children. Raise your child properly and no one can turn them gay or transgender. But that does NOT mean turn your child homophobic or transphobic!

This brings me to my most woke and least politically correct point:


That doesn't always mean rape or molestation, but it often does. Things have improved so they just spread gay culture to kids. That shit is working too. Gays deserve some pity. They are people who want the impossible - to make a baby with the same sex. They suffer from a childhood delusion formed before they understood how sex and the sexes work. Most gay people know this and many admit that they know its a mental abberation not based on any kind of biological logic. Its a source of great pain, thus inventing " GAY PRIDE". Which is why we should celebrate gay adult partnerships. That way, they will not create another gay person by seducing or abusing a child.

Satanism vs Luciferianism

Satanism was the pagan worship of the Roman cannibal god Saturn, which the Catholic church stamped out with the Spanish Inquisition and Protestants with witch trials and so forth. History books always tell us it was widespread superstitious genocide with no basis in reality. Ok, maybe Satan doesn't exist but Satanists did exist. Religious fundamentalism doesn't just go poof, especially when it defined the Roman empire. The descendants of Rome's ruling class - the Black Nobility - still exist and are usually labeled by conspiracy theorists as the head of a global Satanic cartel that sacrifice and eat children. I think a lot of this is actually made up by Christian fundamentalists and possibly the next group, Luciferians.

Luciferianism evolved out of the secret guilds created by the Knights Templar. Somehow they became the heads of Freemasonry, which were just mason guilds for serfs during feudalism. Freemasonry became a European order in which Luciferianism was taught. It was essentially paganism which combined Christianity, Judaism, Satanism, Egyptian & Babylonian religions. Lucifer is the symbolic God or Grand Architect of the" secular humanist" group. The original message of brotherhood became a commitment to a one world government with one world currency and once world religion - Luciferianism - which the highest Masons would rule. These 33rd Degree masons were the Illuminati who formed in 1776, the same year as America "the New World".

Convoluting things is Luciferian Satanism, the belief that the Lucifer worshiped by Illuminati IS the Satan of the Christian Bible. Essentially, Christianity teaches that the AntiChrist will be Satan disguised as Lucifer, the Judaic messiah. This seems antisemitic except the Jewish messiah has always been intended to be Lucifer, the fallen son of God, the angel who rules Earth (why Jews don't believe in Hell) and seeks to return to Heaven to overthrow the Old Testament God. This echos Saturn returning to face Zeus in the Romans' Twilight of the Gods. The Norse Gods had the same bullshit. Even, HP Lovecraft did his own version of this myth.

So you see Luciferianism and Judaism have some similarities. The main difference is racism. Jews believe themselves to be the Chosen people descended from God and Lucifer is their king. Luciferians are mostly occultists who call Lucifer their God to separate themselves from Christian mythology. Both groups have common enemies in Christianity and Islam. Both use Satanism as a scare tactic to turn Christians away from Christianity and towards supporting Zionism - a movement that mutually benefits Jews & Illuminati.

Judaism is less powerful than Luciferianism, but it is more popular obviously. The Rothschild banking cartel (more than just the main family members) are behind both religions. Their goal is to set up a New World Order out of Britain, America & Israel. They're all white rich people who worship Lucifer, so fighting is pointless to them - though its rumored that they are often not on the same page and backstab each other. The endgame is to bankrupt every world government and its banks, replacing them with a central world bank and one world government. They will be the only ones with power when capitalism shifts into socialism, dictating how the world will be run for the next millennia or less before communism erases the need for rulers, money, class, religion, etc. They see themselves as the babysitters of humanity but really they are slowing down utopia.

My own personal belief is that the plan is (while full of genocide, mind-shattering lies, frightening conspiracy and general evil) based in the noblest of intentions. Most bad ideas start from good ones. Totalitarianism is no different. I think the Illuminati have a lot of valid points that I agree with because I'm sort of a pessimist and elitist when it comes to the potential of a majority of human beings alive today.

But as Karl Marx famously pointed out, the unrefined degenerate and stupid nature of the working class comes from the exploitation and alienation caused BY the bourgeoisie. Proletariat revolution shouldn't be the solution and is currently impossible as the 1% have made the public so sick, retarded, unarmed, unorganized and distracted by capitalist greed that they cannot revolt. This is where Bernie comes in.

Democratic Socialism exists between the totalitarian Bourgeois communism of the Illuminati and the revolutionary Proletariat communism of Marxism. Its a proposed synthesis where the middle class can mediate a peaceful transition to communism. Its beauty and shortcomings is that it serves the middle class over the rich or the poor. In that way, it cannot save the majority of the world's population nor can it resist bourgeois capitalist resistance. But what it can do is grow the middle class so fast that the poor and the rich are eliminated as classes before they fall into total corruption.

Back to the more theological and occultic premise of this writing: I think religion is outdated and must die with capitalism. We do not need an ironic goat-headed statue of Lucifer/Satan/Baphomet/your mom's hairy ass to be good people. Secular Humanism can mean that all people, animals, plants and objects are God. God is collective consciousness. God is energy. God is the universe. It is not a separate deity from us that needs sacrifices or churches or dogmatic books. God needs love. God is love.
One reason Bernie's rise might be trustworthy is the fact that JFK was once elected with the country being controlled by (less powerful but) even more hands than now. The Kennedys built their empire on organized crime, with ties to the Jewish and Italian mob. They helped JFK get elected for their own benefit, expecting him to do them favors. He probably did but then cut ties with them and his close friend and handler, the mob-tied Frank Sinatra. The mob were JFK's protection and when he was assassinated (by, most likely, the Illuminati in the CIA), the CIA created the "conspiracy theory" excuses of the Mob and Cuba killing JFK. All of this is metaphorically dramatized in the film, The Godfather Part II.

I fucking know Bernie is not mob-affiliated, but he is affiliated with lots of independent media outlets the private wealth that fund them. These outlets, while mysterious and diverse, are small and seemingly unrelated to the controlled mainstream media.

At first, I thought CNN's sabotaging of Bernie may have been designed to help him intentionally. But I'm coming to believe, while CNN did knowingly help Trump win, they did not intend for Bernie to become more popular than Biden and all of DC 's establishment lobby-serving democrats.

Conspiracy theorists hate George Soros, a major democrat donor who has helped consolidate media into corporate liberal control. I've heard claims that he's behind both DemocracyNow! and The Young Turks, but I haven't confirmed those yet. Both are related and run by big money tho. And both seem to support Bernie this cycle but weren't as supportive in 2016.

Bernie's rise does seem organic and he doesn't seem to have any major cooperation or funding from anyone evil. Soros is a greedy capitalist rich old guy but I doubt he has any ties to the cartel. And Soros seems way cleaner than the damn mob lol. Bernie has and will work with crooked, controlled democrats but I think he knows what they are and refuses to do business with them.

Bernie Bros? or more White Luciferian Patriarchs?

Bernie to me is a champagne socialist who is only going to prolong capitalism if he wins. Democratic Socialism sounds like some bullshit created by rich Jews to prevent Marxism. Unless you’re a rightwinger who believes Bernie is a secret Marxist because “socialism = Marxism” and “all Jews secret Marxists!”.

I hope Bernie is really trying, like the Mensheviks or Trotsky, to create a gradual, non-violent alternative to Marxism that is still focused on socialist communism. But he doesn’t explain at all how capitalism will evolve into socialism. How will the bourgeoisie be replaced? By taxes? Who will take over for them? Not the working class. The middle class bureaucrats? That sounds like Leninism which turned into Stalinist dictatorship and back to capitalist oligarchy. We still will have The Constitution, The Senate, The President, bipartisan centrism. How can socialism exist within the current USA system?

While many founding fathers were Masons dedicated to a one world government run by bourgeouis white male socialists, they couldn't say that to the other American revolutionaries because they wanted no part of Britain and wouldn't accept a totalitarian, anti-God state. So the Constitution was designed to protect Americans from a NWO but also allow future oligarchs to further the NWO anyway. This loophole of semi-democratic freedom is how America can save itself.

Bernie is selling social democracy, capitalist leftism. Yeah, thats better than the Far Right dystopia we’re reverting to, but it feels orchestrated that Bernie is the guy to save us from Trump. Like he’s being used to further the 2030 Agenda of sustainability through U.N. globalism and a technological surveillance state. Population growth will be controlled. Media will be controlled by the state. These are all socialist ideas but WHAT ABOUT THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION AND PRIVATE PROPERTY, the two central goals of socialism?

Automation will replace most human labor. The socialist bourgeoisie will run things with more democracy than now, but less democracy than communism.

It all feels inevitable and these are basically the tenets of Freemasonry: to bring the world under the egalitarian one-government model that inspired Christianity, Judaism, Satanism, Egyptian mystery schools, possibly back to Babylonia. America (”the New World”) was founded by Freemasons under guidance by the Illuminati, both created in 1776. The goal was always colonizing the world for the Manifest Destiny of the Enlightenment. It was founded on white patriarchy towards an evolution of multicultural “secular humanism” with Lucifer as the symbolic God of a one world religion. Thats scary but its also been the purpose of each religion for millennia. Lucifer is the God of Judaism, overthrowing Satan who cast him out. But then Christ was said to be the son of a higher God who will prevent Lucifer from creating a one world totalitarian state. Which is the better outcome of “the End Times”?

The rich and powerful serve Lucifer to bring in a NWO. They manipulate and use political theater to control the masses to vote how they’ve already engineered the world to go. Democracy is an illusion. The AntiChrist is written to win and be stopped by a dead guy so we will allow the AntiChrist to become world leader. Zionism.

There’s no stopping it unless you actually believe Jesus is Son of God and can be reborn. But is Luciferianism the right choice? Are the Illuminati right to bring us to an Aquarian Age? Can it bring utopia and peace, equality and a balance with nature? Can we vote for communism? Was Marx wrong? Was Marx in on it?

Bernie could definitely be the AntiChrist. A Jewish “rebel” guy doing what Jesus did but being rewarded for it. Or Jared Kushner could be the AntiChrist and Bernie could be Christ come to stop him from attaining power. Or Bernie could just be a nice guy who shows up unannounced to spoil everyone’s plan. We’re living in the craziest political cycle ever.

For my own sanity, I choose to believe Bernie is a good guy chosen by God (the collective consciousness) from the spirituality of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc to set us all free from the Luciferian NWO. Marxism as a solution is dead currently. The only way socialism can survive the warped, rigged, immoral "communism" of the 1% is if try peaceful revolution through the democratic voting system.

And if he fails and Trump is re-elected to hand over the world to reptile-worshiping blooddrinking pedophiles, the people will rise up because it will be obvious that capitalism is a rigged system, socialism is the future and the people should have their fair say in how it is run.